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LSNJ LAW Home > Legal Topics > Health Care > NJ FamilyCare/Medicaid > Coverage for children

NJ FamilyCare Covers All Kids


As of January 1, 2023, all state residents under the age of 19 qualify for health insurance coverage in New Jersey. Through its “Cover All Kids” program, the state is expanding NJ FamilyCare to every uninsured child in the state whose household income meets the eligibility limits. Coverage may be through Medicaid or CHIP, depending on the family’s income.

Immigration status does not matter. All children are eligible, and use of the program will not be considered a “public charge” that might affect the family’s chances to apply for a green card. NJ FamilyCare will cover the care needed to keep kids healthy, including well child visits, vaccinations (shots), and dental exams. It will also pay any costs if a child gets sick or injured. To get health insurance for the children in your care, apply online at NJ FamilyCare. Click on the red star on the home page to start an application. You can also apply in person at any of the offices listed at NJ FamilyCare's Need help enrolling? page, or over the phone by calling 1-800-701-0710. Language interpretation services are available when calling.

If you have any questions about whether your children will qualify for coverage, or you are having trouble applying, contact LSNJLAWSM, Legal Services of New Jersey’s statewide toll-free legal Hotline. Apply online at or, call 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529).​​​​​​